Firewood Test Our Firewood Our hotmix is a combination of Pine, Macrocarpa, Blue Gum, Manna Gum, Sheoak, Pinn Oak, Black Wattyl, Pohutakawa, Redwood, Willow, Poplar and/or Manuka. Quote for Purchase of Firewood Quantity of Wood in cubic meters: 12345678910 * Quantity of Kindling (20 litre, approx 7kg bags): 012345678910 ** Do you require we Stow the Wood for you? No--0Yes--1 Do you have a Super Gold Card? No--0Yes--1 Delivery Zone as per map: Dairy Flat--15Albany--25Browns Bay--36Coatesville--25Dairy Flat--11Glenfield--50Gulf Harbour--50Helensville--50Kaukapakapa--50Kumeu--50Orewa--36Parakai--50Puhoi--50Riverhead--36Rosedale--36Silverdale--25Stanmore Bay--36Torbay--25Waimauku--60Waitoki--25North Shore Other--60 Cost of Purchase Note: This is an estimate based on the information you have advised. Hidden Calculations - Wood Cost DeliveryCost Stowage Subtotal Less Super Gold Card Discount Total excluding GST GST Total Place the Order Your Name (required) Phone No (required) Your Email (required) Delivery Address (required) Message/Comments Notes: An invoice will be emailed to you once the order has been delivered. * If you have a preference for Pine Cones or Pine Wood, please leave your preference in message/comment. ** Stowing wood means packing it in the shed. Advised price is an estimate subject to confirmation of accessibility of shed